Dear Mr pfeifer,
I got estimation results and I want to have your opinion about it please.
1) Identification is ok
2) I have a problem of convergence, I used estimation(datafile=data_furlanetto, mh_jscale=0.2,mh_drop=0.5, mode_compute=6,moments_varendo,conditional_variance_decomposition=[1 2 4 8],mh_replic=500000,conf_sig=.95,bayesian_irf,irf=20). How can I do to improve convergence, Is that recommanded to do mode_file = X_mh_mode, mode_compute = 9 in my case?
3) Impulses response seem not good at all, I can't see the upper and the lower bound. How Can I resolve this?
4) After closing all figures, where can I find them again (Impulse response and MCMC convergence)? is that possible?
Thank you!