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Re: Stochastic shocks in some periods- Iacoviello 2015

Fri Mar 03, 2017 7:27 pm
by jpfeifer
Your mode_check-plots tend to look strange, suggesting you did not find the correct mode. There is no reason to use the diffuse filter in your case. There is no unit root. I ran the regular filter with mode_compute=9 and it returned
- Code: Select all
Fval obtained by the minimization routine (minus the posterior/likelihood)): -339.518149
prior mean mode s.d. prior pstdev
psi_db 0.165 0.0447 NaN gamm 0.1250
psi_dh 0.120 0.0000 NaN gamm 0.1250
psi_k 1.166 1.1289 NaN gamm 0.5000
psi_m 0.173 0.8743 NaN gamm 0.1250
psi_a 0.396 0.2824 NaN gamm 0.1250
psi_h 0.892 0.3710 NaN gamm 0.5000
rho_b 0.219 0.1578 NaN beta 0.1000
rho_m 0.250 0.5014 NaN beta 0.1000
rho_TB 0.925 0.9890 NaN beta 0.1000
standard deviation of shocks
prior mean mode s.d. prior pstdev
epsilon_TB_I 0.004 0.0017 NaN invg 0.0250
As you can see
- Code: Select all
ran to 0, which may be due to the prior with an asymptote at 0.
Re: Stochastic shocks in some periods- Iacoviello 2015

Sat Mar 04, 2017 2:22 am
by leonard007
Thank you so much for running my codes.
Yes your right, I see the 0 mode for psi_dh that is problematic. That is quiet strange, Would you think there is a way to fix this issue?
Re: Stochastic shocks in some periods- Iacoviello 2015

Sat Mar 04, 2017 10:24 am
by jpfeifer
First of all, estimating such a model on only one observable series is a bit of a stretch. Maybe adding other observables will help. Regardless, you should aim at a prior with an interior peak instead of one with an asymptote. Play around with the variance of the prior.
Re: Stochastic shocks in some periods- Iacoviello 2015

Tue Mar 07, 2017 10:12 am
by leonard007
Dear Professor Jpfeifer,
Many Thanks for your great hint. To add some other observable series,(considering I have only one shock in my model), I used your very informative Guide line "A Guide to Specifying Observation Equations for the
Estimation of DSGE Models", and I used measurement errors to add 3 other observable series to my estimation. Then I tried to reduce the number of estimated parameters and add one by one (and run estimation after adding each parameter) to find which one causes the problem. I found the problem comes from "rho_b" (inertia for capital constraint) and "rho_m"(inertia for collateral constraint). Then as your comment, I changed their variances to see in which range, estimation works and Dynare can find the steady state and now the model works. I have 2 question:
1. In order to find the prior's mean and st error, At first, I used mode_compute=6 and I put the estimated mean and st error as the prior's mean and st error for my new estimation with mode_compute=4, Is this way ok or this causes problem for estimation?
2. after estimating model with mode_compute=4, I have 2 parameters that their posterior are very close to their priors, does it show something wrong? (Considering a line in the guideline which says if posterior is close to prior that shows a mistake)
I attache my .mod file here.
Re: Stochastic shocks in some periods- Iacoviello 2015

Tue Mar 07, 2017 11:53 am
by jpfeifer
1. Your prior is your prior before seeing the data. What you describe is problematic, because it will result in wrong inference. You should simply choose a prior that looks sensible, i.e. has a single peak around e.g. 1 percent standard deviation and is somewhat diffuse.
2. That simply means your data is not very informative. If the identification command does not complain, this should be fine.
Re: Stochastic shocks in some periods- Iacoviello 2015

Tue Mar 07, 2017 3:21 pm
by leonard007
Dear Professor Jpfeifer,
I am very grateful to you for your help. You are absolutely right. I changed the mean and st errors as your comment and I ran the estimation. Now ,I think, everything looks good.