A. Levin code to compute Ramsey policy
Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 7:47 pm
Here is code contributed byAndy Levin:
% ===================================================================================
% This program reads a Dynare model file (as specified by the string
% variable "infilename" without the .MOD extension), generates the
% first-order conditions of the Ramsey policymaker, and writes out
% a new Dynare model (as specified by the string variable "outfilename"
% without .MOD extension) and an M-file (outfilename_lmss.m) that
% provides a linear system for obtaining the numerical steady-state
% of the Lagrange multipliers.
% (c) Andrew T. Levin 2005
% Note: This program (and associated subroutines) may be used freely
% subject to acknowledgement of the source and citation of either or
% both of the following papers (for which these routines were created):
% Levin, A., Lopez-Salido, J.D., 2004. "Optimal Monetary Policy with
% Endogenous Capital Accumulation", manuscript, Federal Reserve Board.
% Levin, A., Onatski, A., Williams, J., Williams, N., 2005. "Monetary
% Policy under Uncertainty in Microfounded Macroeconometric Models."
% In: NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2005, Gertler, M., Rogoff, K., eds.
% Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
% ===================================================================================
% ===================================================================================
% This program reads a Dynare model file (as specified by the string
% variable "infilename" without the .MOD extension), generates the
% first-order conditions of the Ramsey policymaker, and writes out
% a new Dynare model (as specified by the string variable "outfilename"
% without .MOD extension) and an M-file (outfilename_lmss.m) that
% provides a linear system for obtaining the numerical steady-state
% of the Lagrange multipliers.
% (c) Andrew T. Levin 2005
% Note: This program (and associated subroutines) may be used freely
% subject to acknowledgement of the source and citation of either or
% both of the following papers (for which these routines were created):
% Levin, A., Lopez-Salido, J.D., 2004. "Optimal Monetary Policy with
% Endogenous Capital Accumulation", manuscript, Federal Reserve Board.
% Levin, A., Onatski, A., Williams, J., Williams, N., 2005. "Monetary
% Policy under Uncertainty in Microfounded Macroeconometric Models."
% In: NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2005, Gertler, M., Rogoff, K., eds.
% Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
% ===================================================================================