In the attached mod-file, the steady-command after the initval does not seem to set the values of the endogenous variables equal to their steady state values. Instead, the simulation starts with the values of initval, this can be seen by examining the results.
The mod-file is a small variation of the RBC_Monop_Det.mod file that comes with the user manual. I try to start and end in the same steady state. I use the same values for initval and endval. The steady-command does work for the end of the simulation where the variables are in their steady state.
In Dynare 3, the same mod-file produces different results. In that case, the results start and end in the steady state, as one would expect.
At the end of the steady.m file it reads
%%% Unless I'm wrong, this is (should be?) done in make_y_.m
and then more code is commented out. My guess is that this code should be included.