dealing with bad/unobservable data

Sorry, I don't know if my question goes here or in "Dynare Help", so I posted in both. Here's my question, please help, thank you! :
How does one deal with bad/unobservable data? For example, in Smets-Wouters (2003), the authors said "as we do not have good measures of the area-wide capital stock, the value of capital or the rental rate on capital, we will assume these variables are not observed". Similarly, my problems is that I have a bad real wage data, which I want to treat as unobservable. So how does one goes about that? How does one estimate/do it in dynare? any reference/readings you can recommend *on the actual estimation implementation* (I know in principle it is possible in Bayesian estimation, but my question goes more on actual (Dynare) estimation, step by step.)
Thank you in advance for any help/recommendation!
How does one deal with bad/unobservable data? For example, in Smets-Wouters (2003), the authors said "as we do not have good measures of the area-wide capital stock, the value of capital or the rental rate on capital, we will assume these variables are not observed". Similarly, my problems is that I have a bad real wage data, which I want to treat as unobservable. So how does one goes about that? How does one estimate/do it in dynare? any reference/readings you can recommend *on the actual estimation implementation* (I know in principle it is possible in Bayesian estimation, but my question goes more on actual (Dynare) estimation, step by step.)
Thank you in advance for any help/recommendation!