example fs2000ns problem

Mon Jul 20, 2015 11:28 pm
by shengan28
The example from chapter 6 of the user guide, fs2000ns.mod, does not work. What changes will make it work?
Here is the error message I get:
"Error using print_info (line 74)
Impossible to find the steady state. Either the model doesn't have a steady state, there are an
infinity of steady states, or the guess values are too far from the solution"
Re: example fs2000ns problem

Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:24 am
by jpfeifer
Re: example fs2000ns problem

Tue Jul 21, 2015 2:39 pm
by shengan28
Thanks Johannes, that works better, but I now get the error message:
"Error using eval
Undefined function or variable 'P_obs'. "
That does not make sense since the variable P_obs is defined in the Model block, and Dynare does not have a problem with the variable Y_obs.
Re: example fs2000ns problem

Tue Jul 21, 2015 2:59 pm
by jpfeifer
Where does the problem occur. I cannot replicate the issue in 4.4.3. Please post the full error message.
Re: example fs2000ns problem

Tue Jul 21, 2015 3:42 pm
by shengan28
Error using eval
Undefined function or variable 'P_obs'.
Error in read_variables (line 74)
dyn_tmp_01 = eval(var_names_01(dyn_i_01,:));
Error in initialize_dataset (line 32)
rawdata = read_variables(datafile,varobs,[],xls.sheet,xls.range);
Error in dynare_estimation_init (line 475)
dataset_ =
Error in dynare_estimation_1 (line 81)
[dataset_,xparam1, hh, M_, options_, oo_, estim_params_,bayestopt_] =
dynare_estimation_init(var_list_, dname, [], M_, options_, oo_, estim_params_, bayestopt_);
Error in dynare_estimation (line 89)
Error in fs2000ns2 (line 214)
Error in dynare (line 180)
evalin('base',fname) ;
Re: example fs2000ns problem

Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:01 am
by jpfeifer
Re: example fs2000ns problem

Thu Jul 23, 2015 2:47 pm
by shengan28
Thanks again for the post. I did have the old fsdat_simul.m file, so I replaced it with the new one. That seems to work better, but I still have a few error messages. Here they are. Thanks again for your help.
Error using print_info (line 74)
Impossible to find the steady state. Either the model doesn't have a steady state, there are an
infinity of steady states, or the guess values are too far from the solution
Error in steady (line 92)
print_info(info,options_.noprint, options_);
Error in fs2000ns (line 202)
Error in dynare (line 180)
evalin('base',fname) ;
Re: example fs2000ns problem

Thu Jul 23, 2015 4:24 pm
by jpfeifer
Why are you using the fs2000ns again. The file I linked to has a steady_state_model block so that the error message cannot appear in this case.