Workshop on learning and monetary policy
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Paris, October 17-21, 2005, with the participation of Tom Sargent and Tao Zha.
Workshop materials
- Michel Juillard Introduction to Dynare
- Michel Juillard Dynare syntax
- Michel Juillard First and second order approximations
- Stéphane Adjemian Estimation of a DSGE model
- Thomas Sargent Tuesday handwritten slides
- Thomas Sargent Wednesday handwritten slides
- Thomas Sargent Thursday handwritten slides
- Timothy Cogley, Riccardo Colacito and Thomas Sargent Benefits from U.S. Monetary Policy Experimentation in the Days of Samuelson and Solow and Lucas
- Timothy Cogley and Thomas Sargent The Conquest of U.S. Inflation: Learning and Robustness to Model Uncertainty
- Tao Zha Bayesian Econometrics of Learning Models
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