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4.23 Macro-processing language

It is possible to use “macro” commands in the .mod file for doing the following tasks: including modular source files, replicating blocks of equations through loops, conditionally executing some code, writing indexed sums or products inside equations…

The Dynare macro-language provides a new set of macro-commands which can be inserted inside .mod files. It features:

Technically, this macro language is totally independent of the basic Dynare language, and is processed by a separate component of the Dynare pre-processor. The macro processor transforms a .mod file with macros into a .mod file without macros (doing expansions/inclusions), and then feeds it to the Dynare parser. The key point to understand is that the macro-processor only does text substitution (like the C preprocessor or the PHP language). Note that it is possible to see the output of the macro-processor by using the savemacro option of the dynare command (see Dynare invocation).

The macro-processor is invoked by placing macro directives in the .mod file. Directives begin with an at-sign followed by a pound sign (@#). They produce no output, but give instructions to the macro-processor. In most cases, directives occupy exactly one line of text. In case of need, two anti-slashes (\\) at the end of the line indicates that the directive is continued on the next line. The main directives are:

The macro-processor maintains its own list of variables (distinct of model variables and of MATLAB/Octave variables). These macro-variables are assigned using the @#define directive, and can be of four types: integer, character string, array of integers, array of strings.

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4.23.1 Macro expressions

It is possible to construct macro-expressions which can be assigned to macro-variables or used within a macro-directive. The expressions are constructed using literals of the four basic types (integers, strings, arrays of strings, arrays of integers), macro-variables names and standard operators.

String literals have to be enclosed between double quotes (like "name"). Arrays are enclosed within brackets, and their elements are separated by commas (like [1,2,3] or ["US", "EA"]).

Note that there is no boolean type: false is represented by integer zero and true is any non-null integer. Further note that, as the macro-processor cannot handle non-integer real numbers, integer division results in the quotient with the fractional part truncated (hence, $5/3=3/3=1$).

The following operators can be used on integers:

The following operators can be used on strings:

The following operators can be used on arrays:

Macro-expressions can be used at two places:

In the following, MACRO_EXPRESSION designates an expression constructed as explained above.

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4.23.2 Macro directives

Macro directive: @#includepath "PATH"
Macro directive: @#includepath MACRO_VARIABLE

This directive adds the colon-separated paths contained in PATH to the list of those to search when looking for a .mod file specified by @#include. Note that these paths are added after any paths passed using -I.


@#include "/path/to/folder/containing/modfiles:/path/to/another/folder"
@#include folders_containing_mod_files
Macro directive: @#include "FILENAME"
Macro directive: @#include MACRO_VARIABLE

This directive simply includes the content of another file at the place where it is inserted. It is exactly equivalent to a copy/paste of the content of the included file. Note that it is possible to nest includes (i.e. to include a file from an included file). The file will be searched for in the current directory. If it is not found, the file will be searched for in the folders provided by -I and @#includepath.


@#include "modelcomponent.mod"
@#include location_of_modfile
Macro directive: @#define MACRO_VARIABLE = MACRO_EXPRESSION

Defines a macro-variable.

Example 1

@#define x = 5              // Integer
@#define y = "US"           // String
@#define v = [ 1, 2, 4 ]    // Integer array
@#define w = [ "US", "EA" ] // String array
@#define z = 3 + v[2]       // Equals 5
@#define t = ("US" in w)    // Equals 1 (true)

Example 2

@#define x = [ "B", "C" ]
@#define i = 2

  A = @{x[i]};

is strictly equivalent to:

  A = C;
Macro directive: @#if MACRO_EXPRESSION
Macro directive: @#ifdef MACRO_VARIABLE
Macro directive: @#ifndef MACRO_VARIABLE
Macro directive: @#else
Macro directive: @#endif

Conditional inclusion of some part of the .mod file. The lines between @#if, @#ifdef or @#ifndef and the next @#else or @#endif is executed only if the condition evaluates to a non-null integer. The @#else branch is optional and, if present, is only evaluated if the condition evaluates to 0.


Choose between two alternative monetary policy rules using a macro-variable:

@#define linear_mon_pol = 0 // or 1
@#if linear_mon_pol
  i = w*i(-1) + (1-w)*i_ss + w2*(pie-piestar);
  i = i(-1)^w * i_ss^(1-w) * (pie/piestar)^w2;


Choose between two alternative monetary policy rules using a macro-variable. As linear_mon_pol was not previously defined in this example, the second equation will be chosen:

@#ifdef linear_mon_pol
  i = w*i(-1) + (1-w)*i_ss + w2*(pie-piestar);
  i = i(-1)^w * i_ss^(1-w) * (pie/piestar)^w2;

Choose between two alternative monetary policy rules using a macro-variable. As linear_mon_pol was not previously defined in this example, the first equation will be chosen:

@#ifndef linear_mon_pol
  i = w*i(-1) + (1-w)*i_ss + w2*(pie-piestar);
  i = i(-1)^w * i_ss^(1-w) * (pie/piestar)^w2;
Macro directive: @#endfor

Loop construction for replicating portions of the .mod file. Note that this construct can enclose variable/parameters declaration, computational tasks, but not a model declaration.


@#for country in [ "home", "foreign" ]
  GDP_@{country} = A * K_@{country}^a * L_@{country}^(1-a);

is equivalent to:

  GDP_home = A * K_home^a * L_home^(1-a);
  GDP_foreign = A * K_foreign^a * L_foreign^(1-a);
Macro directive: @#echo MACRO_EXPRESSION

Asks the preprocessor to display some message on standard output. The argument must evaluate to a string.

Macro directive: @#error MACRO_EXPRESSION

Asks the preprocessor to display some error message on standard output and to abort. The argument must evaluate to a string.

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4.23.3 Typical usages

Next: , Up: Typical usages   [Contents][Index] Modularization

The @#include directive can be used to split .mod files into several modular components.

Example setup:


Contains variable declarations, model equations and shocks declarations


Includes modeldesc.mod, calibrates parameters and runs stochastic simulations


Includes modeldesc.mod, declares priors on parameters and runs Bayesian estimation

Dynare can be called on simul.mod and estim.mod, but it makes no sense to run it on modeldesc.mod.

The main advantage is that it is no longer needed to manually copy/paste the whole model (at the beginning) or changes to the model (during development).

Next: , Previous: , Up: Typical usages   [Contents][Index] Indexed sums or products

The following example shows how to construct a moving average:

@#define window = 2

var x MA_x;
MA_x = 1/@{2*window+1}*(
@#for i in -window:window

After macro-processing, this is equivalent to:

var x MA_x;
MA_x = 1/5*(

Next: , Previous: , Up: Typical usages   [Contents][Index] Multi-country models

Here is a skeleton example for a multi-country model:

@#define countries = [ "US", "EA", "AS", "JP", "RC" ]
@#define nth_co = "US"

@#for co in countries
var Y_@{co} K_@{co} L_@{co} i_@{co} E_@{co} ...;
parameters a_@{co} ...;
varexo ...;

@#for co in countries
 Y_@{co} = K_@{co}^a_@{co} * L_@{co}^(1-a_@{co});
@# if co != nth_co
 (1+i_@{co}) = (1+i_@{nth_co}) * E_@{co}(+1) / E_@{co}; // UIP relation
@# else
 E_@{co} = 1;
@# endif

Previous: , Up: Typical usages   [Contents][Index] Endogeneizing parameters

When doing the steady state calibration of the model, it may be useful to consider a parameter as an endogenous (and vice-versa).

For example, suppose production is defined by a CES function:

$y = \left(\alpha^{1/\xi} \ell^{1-1/\xi}+(1-\alpha)^{1/\xi}k^{1-1/\xi}\right)^{\xi/(\xi-1)}$

The labor share in GDP is defined as:

lab_rat $= (w \ell)/(p y)$

In the model, $\alpha$ is a (share) parameter, and lab_rat is an endogenous variable.

It is clear that calibrating $\alpha$ is not straightforward; but on the contrary, we have real world data for lab_rat, and it is clear that these two variables are economically linked.

The solution is to use a method called variable flipping, which consist in changing the way of computing the steady state. During this computation, $\alpha$ will be made an endogenous variable and lab_rat will be made a parameter. An economically relevant value will be calibrated for lab_rat, and the solution algorithm will deduce the implied value for $\alpha$.

An implementation could consist of the following files:


This file contains variable declarations and model equations. The code for the declaration of $\alpha$ and lab_rat would look like:

@#if steady
 var alpha;
 parameter lab_rat;
 parameter alpha;
 var lab_rat;

This file computes the steady state. It begins with:

@#define steady = 1
@#include "modeqs.mod"

Then it initializes parameters (including lab_rat, excluding $\alpha$), computes the steady state (using guess values for endogenous, including $\alpha$), then saves values of parameters and endogenous at steady state in a file, using the save_params_and_steady_state command.


This file computes the simulation. It begins with:

@#define steady = 0
@#include "modeqs.mod"

Then it loads values of parameters and endogenous at steady state from file, using the load_params_and_steady_state command, and computes the simulations.

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4.23.4 MATLAB/Octave loops versus macro-processor loops

Suppose you have a model with a parameter $\rho$, and you want to make simulations for three values: $\rho = 0.8, 0.9, 1$. There are several ways of doing this:

With a MATLAB/Octave loop
rhos = [ 0.8, 0.9, 1];
for i = 1:length(rhos)
  rho = rhos(i);

Here the loop is not unrolled, MATLAB/Octave manages the iterations. This is interesting when there are a lot of iterations.

With a macro-processor loop (case 1)
rhos = [ 0.8, 0.9, 1];
@#for i in 1:3
  rho = rhos(@{i});

This is very similar to previous example, except that the loop is unrolled. The macro-processor manages the loop index but not the data array (rhos).

With a macro-processor loop (case 2)
@#for rho_val in [ "0.8", "0.9", "1"]
  rho = @{rho_val};

The advantage of this method is that it uses a shorter syntax, since list of values directly given in the loop construct. Note that values are given as character strings (the macro-processor does not know floating point values). The inconvenience is that you can not reuse an array stored in a MATLAB/Octave variable.

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