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Dynare provides a simple interface for creating LaTeX reports, comprised of
LaTeX tables and PGFPLOTS/Ti
graphs. You can use the
report as created through Dynare or pick out the pieces (tables and graphs) you
want for inclusion in your own paper. Though Dynare provides a subset of
options available through PGFPLOTS/Ti
, you can easily
modify the graphs created by Dynare using the options available in the
manual. You can either do this manually or by
passing the options to miscTikzAxisOptions, miscTikzAxisOptions, or
Reports are created and modified by calling methods on class
objects. The objects are hierarchical, with the following order (from
highest to lowest): Report, Page, Section, Graph/Table/Vspace,
. For simplicity of syntax, we abstract away from these
classes, allowing you to operate directly on a Report
while maintaining the names of these classes in the Report
Class methods you will use.
The report is created sequentially, command by command, hence the
order of the commands matters. When an object of a certain hierarchy
is inserted, all methods will function on that object until an object
of equal or greater hierarchy is added. Hence, once you add a
to the report, every time you add a Section
it will be added to this Page
until another Page
added to the report (via addPage). This will become more clear
with the example at the end of the section.
Options to the methods are passed differently than those to Dynare
commands. They take the form of named options to Matlab functions
where the arguments come in pairs (e.g.
function_name(`option_1_name', `option_1_value',
`option_2_name', `option_2_value', ...)
, where option_X_name
is the name of the option while option_X_value
is the value
assigned to that option). The ordering of the option pairs matters
only in the unusual case when an option is provided twice (probably
erroneously). In this case, the last value passed is the one that is
Below, you will see a list of methods available for the Report class and a clarifying example.
Instantiates a Report
compiler, FILENAME
The full path to the LaTeX compiler on your system. If this option
is not provided, Dynare will try to find the appropriate program to
compile LaTeX on your system. Default is system dependent: Windows:
the result of findtexmf --file-type=exe pdflatex
, macOS and
Linux: the result of which pdflatex
showDate, BOOLEAN
Display the date and time when the report was compiled. Default:
fileName, FILENAME
The file name to use when saving this report. Default:
header, STRING
The valid LaTeX code to be included in the report before
. Default: empty
margin, DOUBLE
The margin size. Default: 2.5
marginUnit, `cm' | `in'
Units associated with the margin. Default: `cm'
orientation, `landscape' | `portrait'
Paper orientation: Default: `portrait'
paper, `a4' | `letter'
Paper size. Default: `a4'
showOutput, BOOLEAN
Print report creation progress to screen. Shows you the page number as it is
created and as it is written. This is useful to see where a potential error
occurs in report creation. Default: true
title, STRING
Report Title. Default: none
Adds a Page
to the Report
footnote, STRING
A footnote to be included at the bottom of this page. Default: none
latex, STRING
The valid LaTeX code to be used for this page. Alows the user to create a
page to be included in the report by passing LaTeX code directly. If this
option is passed, the page itself will be saved in the pageDirName
directory in the form page_X.tex
where X
refers to the page
number. Default empty
orientation, `landscape' | `portrait'
See orientation.
pageDirName, STRING
The name of the folder in which to store this page. Only used when the
latex command is passed. Default: tmpRepDir
paper, `a4' | `letter'
See paper.
title, STRING
With one entry (a STRING
), the title of the page. With more than one
), the title and subtitle(s) of the
page. Values passed must be valid LaTeX code (e.g., ‘%’ must be
‘\%’). Default: none
titleFormat, STRING
A string representing the valid LaTeX markup to use on title. The
number of cell array entries must be equal to that of the title option if
you do not want to use the default value for the title (and
subtitles). Default: \large\bfseries
titleTruncate, INTEGER
Useful when automatically generating page titles that may become too
long, titleTruncate
can be used to truncate a title (and
subsequent subtitles) when they pass the specified number of
characters. Default: off
Adds a Section
to a Page
The number of columns in the section. Default: 1
height, STRING
A string to be used with the \sectionheight
command. Default: `!'
Adds a Graph
to a Section
data, dseries
The dseries
that provides the data for the graph. Default:
axisShape, `box'
| `L'
The shape the axis should have. `box'
means that there is an axis line
to the left, right, bottom, and top of the graphed line(s). `L'
that there is an axis to the left and bottom of the graphed line(s). Default:
graphDirName, STRING
The name of the folder in which to store this figure. Default:
graphName, STRING
The name to use when saving this figure. Default: something of the
form graph_pg1_sec2_row1_col3.tex
height, DOUBLE
The height of the graph, in inches. Default: 4.5
showGrid, BOOLEAN
Whether or not to display the major grid on the graph. Default:
showLegend, BOOLEAN
Whether or not to display the legend. NB: Unless you use the
graphLegendName option, the name displayed in the legend is the
name associated with the dseries
. You can modify this
name by using tex_rename. Default: false
The coordinates for the legend location. If this option is passed, it
overrides the legendLocation option. Must be of size 2. Default:
showLegendBox, BOOLEAN
Whether or not to display a box around the legend. Default:
legendLocation, `south west'
| `south east'
| `north west'
| `north east'
| `outer north east'
Where to place the legend in the graph. Default: `south east'
legendOrientation, `vertical' | `horizontal'
Orientation of the legend. Default: `horizontal'
legendFontSize, `tiny'
| `scriptsize'
| `footnotesize'
| `small'
| `normalsize'
| `large'
| `Large'
| `huge'
| `Huge'
The font size for legend entries. Default: tiny
miscTikzAxisOptions, STRING
If you are comfortable with PGFPLOTS/Ti
, you can use this
option to pass arguments directly to the PGFPLOTS/Ti
environment command. Specifically to be used for desired
options that have not been incorporated into
Dynare Reproting. Default: empty
miscTikzPictureOptions, STRING
If you are comfortable with PGFPLOTS/Ti
, you can use this
option to pass arguments directly to the PGFPLOTS/Ti
environment command. (e.g., to scale the graph in the x
and y dimensions, you can pass following to this option: `xscale=2.5,
). Specifically to be used for desired
options that have not been incorporated into
Dynare Reproting. Default: empty
The names of the series contained in the dseries
provided to
the data option. If empty, use all series provided to
data option. Default: empty
shade, dates
The date range showing the portion of the graph that should be
shaded. Default: none
shadeColor, STRING
The color to use in the shaded portion of the graph. All valid color strings defined for use by PGFPLOTS/Ti
are valid. A list of defined colors is: `red'
, `green'
, `blue'
, `cyan'
, `magenta'
, `yellow'
, `black'
, `gray'
, `white'
, `darkgray'
, `lightgray'
, `brown'
, `lime'
, `olive'
, `orange'
, `pink'
, `purple'
, `teal'
, and `violet'
. Furthermore, You can use combinations of these colors. For example, if you wanted a color that is green and
purple, you could pass the string
. You can also use RGB colors, following the syntax: `rgb,255:red,231;green,84;blue,121'
which corresponds to the RGB color (231;84;121)
. More examples are available in the section 4.7.5 of the PGFPLOTS/Ti
manual, revision 1.10. Default: `green'
shadeOpacity, DOUBLE
The opacity of the shaded area, must be in . Default:
tickFontSize, , `tiny'
| `scriptsize'
| `footnotesize'
| `small'
| `normalsize'
| `large'
| `Large'
| `huge'
| `Huge'
The font size for x- and y-axis tick labels. Default: normalsize
title, STRING
Same as title, just for graphs.
titleFontSize, `tiny'
| `scriptsize'
| `footnotesize'
| `small'
| `normalsize'
| `large'
| `Large'
| `huge'
| `Huge'
The font size for title. Default: normalsize
titleFormat, STRING
The format to use for the graph title. Unlike
titleFormat, due to a constraint of TikZ, this format applies to
the title and subtitles. Default: TikZ default
width, DOUBLE
The width of the graph, in inches. Default: 6.0
Whether or not to write a CSV file with only the plotted data. The file will be
saved in the directory specified by graphDirName with the same base name
as specified by graphName with the ending .csv
. Default:
xlabel, STRING
The x-axis label. Default: none
ylabel, STRING
The y-axis label. Default: none
xAxisTight, BOOLEAN
Use a tight x axis. If false, uses PGFPLOTS/Ti
enlarge x limits
to choose appropriate axis size. Default: true
xrange, dates
The boundary on the x-axis to display in the graph. Default: all
Used only in conjunction with xTickLabels, this option denotes
the numerical position of the label along the x-axis. The positions
begin at . Default: the indices associated with the first and
last dates of the
and, if passed, the index associated
with the first date of the shade option.
| `ALL'
The labels to be mapped to the ticks provided by
xTicks. Default: the first and last dates of the dseries
and, if passed, the date first date of the shade option.
xTickLabelAnchor, STRING
Where to anchor the x tick label. Default: `south'
xTickLabelRotation, DOUBLE
The amount to rotate the x tick labels by. Default: 0
yAxisTight, BOOLEAN
Use a tight y axis. If false, uses PGFPLOTS/Ti
enlarge y limits
to choose appropriate axis size. Default: false
The boundary on the y-axis to display in the graph, represented as a
of size , with the first entry less
than the second entry. Default: all
yTickLabelFixed, BOOLEAN
Round the y tick labels to a fixed number of decimal places, given by
yTickLabelPrecision. Default: true
yTickLabelPrecision, INTEGER
The precision with which to report the yTickLabel. Default: 1
yTickLabelScaled, BOOLEAN
Determines whether or not there is a common scaling factor for the y
axis. Default: true
yTickLabelZeroFill, BOOLEAN
Whether or not to fill missing precision spots with zeros. Default: true
showZeroline, BOOLEAN
Display a solid black line at . Default:
zeroLineColor, STRING
The color to use for the zero line. Only used if showZeroLine is
true. See the explanation in shadeColor for how to use colors with
reports. Default: `black'
Adds a Table
to a Section
data, dseries
See data.
A cell array containing the colors to use for row highlighting. See
shadeColor for how to use colors with reports. Highlighting for a
specific row can be overridden by using the tableRowColor option to
addSeries. Default: empty
showHlines, BOOLEAN
Whether or not to show horizontal lines separating the rows. Default: false
precision, INTEGER
The number of decimal places to report in the table data. Default: 1
range, dates
The date range of the data to be displayed. Default: all
See seriesToUse.
tableDirName, STRING
The name of the folder in which to store this table. Default:
tableName, STRING
The name to use when saving this table. Default: something of the
form table_pg1_sec2_row1_col3.tex
title, STRING
Same as title, just for tables.
titleFormat, STRING
Same as titleFormat, just for tables. Default: \large
vlineAfter, dates
Show a vertical line after the specified date (or dates if a cell
array of dates is passed). Default: empty
vlineAfterEndOfPeriod, BOOLEAN
Show a vertical line after the end of every period (i.e. after
every year, after the fourth quarter, etc.). Default: false
showVlines, BOOLEAN
Whether or not to show vertical lines separating the columns. Default: false
Whether or not to write a CSV file containing the data displayed in the
table. The file will be saved in the directory specified by tableDirName
with the same base name as specified by tableName with the ending
. Default: false
Adds a Series
to a Graph
or a Table
. NB: Options specific
to graphs begin with ‘graph
’ while options specific to tables begin with
data, dseries
See data.
graphBar, BOOLEAN
Whether or not to display this series as a bar graph as oppsed to the
default of displaying it as a line graph. Default: false
graphFanShadeColor, STRING
The shading color to use between a series and the previously-added
series in a graph. Useful for making fan charts. Default: empty
graphFanShadeOpacity, INTEGER
The opacity of the color passed in graphFanShadeColor. Default:
graphBarColor, STRING
The outline color of each bar in the bar graph. Only active if
graphBar is passed. Default: `black'
graphBarFillColor, STRING
The fill color of each bar in the bar graph. Only active if
graphBar is passed. Default: `black'
graphBarWidth, DOUBLE
The width of each bar in the bar graph. Only active if graphBar
is passed. Default: 2
graphHline, DOUBLE
Use this option to draw a horizontal line at the given value. Default:
graphLegendName, STRING
The name to display in the legend for this series, passed as valid LaTeX
(e.g., GDP_{US}
, $\alpha$
). Will be displayed only if the
data and showLegend options have been passed. Default: the
name of the series
graphLineColor, STRING
Color to use for the series in a graph. See the explanation in shadeColor
for how to use colors with reports. Default: `black'
graphLineStyle, `none'
| `solid'
| `dotted'
| `densely dotted'
| `loosely dotted'
| `dashed'
| `densely dashed'
| `loosely dashed'
| `dashdotted'
| `densely dashdotted'
| `loosely dashdotted'
| `dashdotdotted'
| `densely dashdotdotted'
| `loosely dashdotdotted'
Line style for this series in a graph. Default: `solid'
graphLineWidth DOUBLE
Line width for this series in a graph. Default: 0.5
graphMarker, `x'
| `+'
| `-'
| `|'
| `o'
| `asterisk'
| `star'
| `10-pointed star'
| `oplus'
| `oplus*'
| `otimes'
| `otimes*'
| `square'
| `square*'
| `triangle'
| `triangle*'
| `diamond'
| `diamond*'
| `halfdiamond*'
| `halfsquare*'
| `halfsquare right*'
| `halfsquare left*'
| `Mercedes star'
| `Mercedes star flipped'
| `halfcircle'
| `halfcircle*'
| `pentagon'
| `pentagon star'
The Marker to use on this series in a graph. Default: none
graphMarkerEdgeColor, STRING
The edge color of the graph marker. See the explanation in shadeColor for
how to use colors with reports. Default: graphLineColor
graphMarkerFaceColor, STRING
The face color of the graph marker. See the explanation in shadeColor for
how to use colors with reports. Default: graphLineColor
graphMarkerSize, DOUBLE
The size of the graph marker. Default: 1
graphMiscTikzAddPlotOptions, STRING
If you are comfortable with PGFPLOTS/Ti
, you can use this
option to pass arguments directly to the PGFPLOTS/Ti
command. (e.g., Instead of passing the marker options
above, you can pass a string such as the following to this option:
`mark=halfcircle*,mark options={rotate=90,scale=3}'
). Specifically to be
used for desired PGFPLOTS/Ti
options that have not been
incorporated into Dynare Reproting. Default: empty
graphShowInLegend, BOOLEAN
Whether or not to show this series in the legend, given that the
showLegend option was passed to addGraph. Default: true
graphVline, dates
Use this option to draw a vertical line at a given date. Default: empty
tableDataRhs, dseries
A series to be added to the right of the current series. Usefull for
displaying aggregate data for a series. e.g if the series is
quarterly tableDataRhs
could point to the yearly averages of
the quarterly series. This would cause quarterly data to be displayed
followed by annual data. Default: empty
tableRowColor, STRING
The color that you want the row to be. Predefined values include
and Gray
. Default: white
tableRowIndent, INTEGER
The number of times to indent the name of the series in the
table. Used to create subgroups of series. Default: 0
tableShowMarkers, BOOLEAN
In a Table, if true
, surround each cell with brackets and color
it according to tableNegColor and tablePosColor. No effect
for graphs. Default: false
tableAlignRight, BOOLEAN
Whether or not to align the series name to the right of the
cell. Default: false
tableMarkerLimit, DOUBLE
For values less than
, mark the cell
with the color denoted by tableNegColor. For those greater than
, mark the cell with the color denoted by
tablePosColor. Default: 1e-4
tableNaNSymb, STRING
Replace NaN
values with the text in this option. Default: NaN
tableNegColor, LATEX_COLOR
The color to use when marking Table data that is less than
zero. Default: `red'
tablePrecision, INTEGER
The number of decimal places to report in the table data. Default: the value set by precision
tablePosColor, LATEX_COLOR
The color to use when marking Table data that is greater than
zero. Default: `blue'
tableSubSectionHeader, STRING
A header for a subsection of the table. No data will be associated
with it. It is equivalent to adding an empty series with a
name. Default: ''
zeroTol, DOUBLE
The zero tolerance. Anything smaller than zeroTol
and larger than
will be set to zero before being graphed or written to the
table. Default:
Adds a Paragraph
to a Section
. NB: The Section
can only be
comprised of Paragraphs
and must only have 1 column.
balancedCols, BOOLEAN
Determines whether the text is spread out evenly across the columns when the
has more than one column. Default: true
The number of columns for the Paragraph
. Default: 1
heading, STRING
The heading for the Paragraph (like a section heading). The string must be
valid LaTeX code. Default: empty
indent, BOOLEAN
Whether or not to indent the paragraph. Default: true
text, STRING
The paragraph itself. The string must be valid LaTeX code. Default:
Adds a Vspace
(vertical space) to a Section
hline, INTEGER
The number of horizontal lines to be inserted. Default: 0
number, INTEGER
The number of new lines to be inserted. Default: 1
Writes the LaTeX representation of this Report
, saving it to
the file specified by filename.
Compiles the report written by write into a pdf
file. If
the report has not already been written (determined by the existence
of the file specified by filename, write is called.
compiler, FILENAME
Like compiler, except will not overwrite the value of
contained in the report object. Hence, passing the
value here is useful for using different LaTeX compilers or just
for passing the value at the last minute.
showOutput, BOOLEAN
Print the compiler output to the screen. Useful for debugging your code as the LaTeX compiler hangs if there is a problem. Default: the value of showOutput
showReport, BOOLEAN
Open the compiled report (works on Windows and macOS on Matlab). Default:
The following code creates a one page report. The first part of the page contains two graphs displayed across two columns and one row. The bottom of the page displays a centered table.
%% Create dseries dsq = dseries(`quarterly.csv'); dsa = dseries(`annual.csv'); dsca = dseries(`annual_control.csv'); %% Report rep = report(); %% Page 1 rep = rep.addPage(`title', {`My Page Title', `My Page Subtitle'}, ... `titleFormat', {`\large\bfseries', `\large'}); % Section 1 rep = rep.addSection(`cols', 2); rep = rep.addGraph(`title', `Graph (1,1)', `showLegend', true, ... `xrange', dates(`2007q1'):dates(`2013q4'), ... `shade', dates(`2012q2'):dates(`2013q4')); rep = rep.addSeries(`data', dsq{`SERIES1'}, `graphLineColor', `blue', ... `graphLineWidth', 1); rep = rep.addSeries(`data', dsq{`SERIES2'}, `graphLineColor', `green', ... `graphLineStyle', '--', `graphLineWidth', 1.5); rep = rep.addGraph(`title', `Graph (1,2)', `showLegend', true, ... `xrange', dates(`2007q1'):dates(`2013q4'), ... `shade', dates(`2012q2'):dates(`2013q4')); rep = rep.addSeries(`data', dsq{`SERIES3'}, `graphLineColor', `blue', ... `graphLineWidth', 1); rep = rep.addSeries(`data', dsq{`SERIES4'}, `graphLineColor', `green', ... `graphLineStyle', '--', `graphLineWidth', 1.5); % Section 2 rep = rep.addSection(); rep = rep.addTable(`title', `Table 1', ... `range', dates(`2012Y'):dates(`2014Y')); shortNames = {`US', `EU'}; longNames = {`United States', `Euro Area'}; for i=1:length(shortNames) rep = rep.addSeries(`data', dsa{[`GDP_' shortNames{i}]}); delta = dsa{[`GDP_' shortNames{i}]}-dsca{[`GDP_' shortNames{i}]}; delta = delta.tex_rename(`$\Delta$'); rep = rep.addSeries(`data', delta, ... `tableShowMarkers', true, ... `tableAlignRight', true); end %% Write & Compile Report rep.write(); rep.compile();
Next: Examples, Previous: Time Series, Up: Top [Contents][Index]