jpfeifer wrote:Please take a look at Pfeifer(2013): "A Guide to Specifying Observation Equations for the Estimation of DSGE Models" You are performing a fundamental mistake by having steady states in nonlinear models depend on estimated parameters and not using either model local variables or a steady_state_model-block. It also seems that you are matching a non-zero mean model variable to a zero mean data variable. Also, how did you detrend your data?
Hmmm, great. I will review your guide about it. Your suggestions sound like true to me, but, let me understanding better your advice:
In this part: "You are performing a fundamental mistake by having steady states in nonlinear models depend on estimated parameters and not using either model local variables or a steady_state_model-block˜.
First, when you said steady states in nonlinear models depend on estimated parameters, you are referring on, for example, h_ss = ((1-alppha)*(alppha/(r_star+deltta))^(alppha/(1-alppha)))^(1/(ommega-1)), right? So, for this particular steady state equation, it is better linearised that?
Second, when you added "not using either model local variables or a steady_state_model-block", you are suggesting use model local variable, but how I can use that? I think put y_obs is the solution to that...; still, you also suggesting that I use a steady_state_model-block. Do you have some example to attach and looks better to me?
About trends, I use the WDI data, and detrended taking the quadratic trend out on the log-variables. Do you have another suggestion? I only did not attach to the message because the other archive is very big!
Thanks one more time for the patience, Pfeifer.