I believe that the file that governs the behavior of dynare when mode_compute=6 in the estimation command is gmhmaxlik.m. The wiki indicates that the user should be able to control the behavior with options_.Opt6Numb and options_.Opt6Iter (
http://www.dynare.org/DynareWiki/MonteCarloOptimization). In versions 4.3.2 and 4.3.3 of dynare, it is impossible to control the number of simulations because the number is hard-coded to be 200000. This appears to be a bug. In the unstable branch, the bug is sort of fixed, but the documentation is incorrect, making the behavior again unexpected. It appears that options.nscale and options.nclimb replace the previously documented options. This can be seen in lines 85 and 86 of the file at
https://github.com/DynareTeam/dynare/bl ... mhmaxlik.m. It is unknown to the user if these undocumented options alter other behavior.