Dear forum,
I know that this topic has been discussed in this forum numerous times, however I did not get a satisfying answer.
My goal is to model the anticipation of an innovation in technology 8 periods before it hits the economy. However, when the 8th period comes, this shock is not realized (preferrably, no shock hits the economy; but I am already satisfied when the shock is less than expected if the preferred solution does not work out). For example Levin et al. (2003) have such an unrealized news shock in their paper - however in the model replication available in the macromodel database I could not spot the relevant equations.
Theoretically, I could induce an expectation by the lagged variable ant(-8). By the time the 8th period comes, a surprise shock (exo) sur hits the equation which perfectly (or less than perfectly) outweighs this innovation (of size news). However, in my understanding sur is a random variable to which I cannot assign a certain value (or can I?). If it was not a random variable, it would be anticipated anyway (wouldn't it?) and it would tell a different story.
a = rho*a(-1) + ant(-8) + sur;
ant = news;
sur = -news;
Does anybody have an idea?
Thank you.