1. The expectation variable.
It is very interesting to look at the difference between the two equations:
and lam-elam=r;
where elam=lam(+1);
If I use the first equation, the IRF starts from nonzero while if I use the second one, the IRF starts from zero. It is a tricky part but I love the pattern, so can someone explain the difference to me?
2. The difference between stoch_simul and simul
If I set periods=20 for both simulations, stoch_simul will give out exactly 20 numbers, but simul will give out about 23 numbers. Then how can I compare the two results. Are they the same, if they are, what do the extra numbers in result from simul mean?
3. Timing of shocks and decisions.
There are a lot of literatures talk about cases where more than one shocks, say, technology shock and monetary shock. Sometimes, they assume there is a sequence of decisions. Say, within one period, wage is determined before both shocks, price and output will determined after technology shock but before monetary shock. then monetary shock hits the economy. Should I split each period into several sub-period to do the issue or is there some routine in Dynare to handle this?
Thanks for your input.