Dear dynare users,
I have a question regarding the shock equations for model written in their non-linear form (so that dynare does the linearization job).
I have downloaded the Adolfson et al. 2005 code written in dynare by Schmidt (already in its linearized form). I have tried to replicate the same model on my own but this time by writing the equation in their non-linear form and ask dynare to make the first order approximation. I then compared the results for both models. I think I have everything correct except that the size of some shock does not correspond. When I look at IRF of the non-linearized model, some correspond exactly to the linear one while some other correspond in shape, but not in size.
My conclusion is that I failed to write the shock equation. I take the consumption preference shock to illustrate. What the original code does is
While in my code I have tried
ZETA_C = rho_zetac*ZETA_C(-1) + (1-rho_zetac)*zeta_c + epsilon_zetac;
As well as
log(ZETA_C) = rho_zetac*log(ZETA_C(-1)) + (1-rho_zetac)*log(zeta_c) + epsilon_zetac;
where zeta_c is steady sate of ZETA_C.
And we both define the shock as
var epsilon_zetac;
stderr 0.157;
But we end up with different IRF (same shape, different size). I’m doing something wrong?
With best regards,