by yc1122 » Sun Dec 08, 2013 12:46 pm
Thanks heaps for your reply. Very nice notes on specifying measurement equations. Actually, other than inflation and federal funds rate, I've first differenced everything since I assume TFP is a random walk implying output, wage, consumption are trended. Also, vacancy (help-wanted index reported by conference board) and labor force participation rate are first differenced coz they are trended as well. So I think it should be fine.
But your comments on the low frequency behaviors of monetary policy (e_r) and risk-premium (e_b) shocks do remind me of something about the federal funds rate. If we look back at the series of FFR, it does present a downward trend which may be the source of the drift of e_r and e_b, though I'm not sure why the trend in e_b is more significant than that in e_r. Because I'm worried that a longer time series of FFR will cover various monetary policy regimes, only the series of FFR after the Great Moderation is studied in my work, however, which seems sloped downward "spuriously". Please see the variable "r_obs" in the attached file.
So should I difference r_obs again? I would prefer differences to including longer time series based on my worries on policy regimes. Feel free to correct me. Thank you very much.
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