I'm running an otherwise nicely working CTW baseline model and wanted to check the endogenous_prior option in dynare 4.4.0 estimation command.
It gives me error:
Error using dsge_likelihood (line 812)
Endogenous prior not supported with non-stationary models
What should I do to use the built-in endogenous prior option, given that the original CTW model is non-stationary?
The estimation command is:
- Code: Select all
estimation(endogenous_prior,order=1,datafile=ctwData8, mh_replic=60000, mh_nblocks=1, mh_drop=.3, mh_jscale=0.2,
mode_compute=6, filter_step_ahead = [1 4 8 12], forecast=20,smoother, filtered_vars, diffuse_filter,
nodisplay, moments_varendo,conditional_variance_decomposition=[1 4 8 20],graph_format=(eps,pdf))
lmcU lrkbarU lwbarU lRfU lpxU lpixU lkU lRnustarU lHU lpiU lmcxU lpimcU lmcmcU lpimxU lmcmxU lpimiU
lmcmiU lpicU lpmcU lpiiU lpmiU lkbarU liU lpsizplusU lcU lpkprimeU luU lpinvestU lsU aU lqU lxU
lpcU lRU lyU lRxU lpmxU lRkU lylessdU nxdivGDPU data_HhatU data_RU data_wdiffU data_cdiffU data_ydiffU
data_ystardiffU data_pistarU data_RstarU data_HdiffU data_impdiffU data_piiU data_pidU data_picU data_xdiffU
data_qdiffU data_idiffU data_gdiffU;