I have build a large NK-DSGE two-country model for Denmark and the Eurozone.
The model combines with the model FiMod by Stähler & Thomas (2012) with the housing marked in Iacoviello (2005).
The model I end up with has 230 equations but only 228 endogenous variables. This is because I have added 26 equations and 24 variables to the model.
I can't for the life of me figure out what is wrong. I have tried taking out some of the equations in pairs, but nothing helps.
I have attached my model in a zip-folder since it consists of 4 dynare files and 1 matlab file.
All equations in the "Model.mod"-file that have the comment " // *** " is one of the 26 equationa and 24 variables.
Thank you in advance.