Just very interesred in configuration file)
this is a part of an authentic code
- Code: Select all
%% Set mex routine names
mex_status = cell(1,3);
mex_status(1,1) = {'mjdgges'};
[u]mex_status(1,2) = {'qz'};[/u]
mex_status(1,3) = {'Generalized QZ'};
mex_status(2,1) = {'gensylv'};
[u]mex_status(2,2) = {'gensylv'};[/u]
mex_status(2,3) = {'Sylvester equation solution'};
mex_status(3,1) = {'A_times_B_kronecker_C'};
[u]mex_status(3,2) = {'kronecker'};[/u]
mex_status(3,3) = {'Kronecker products'};
mex_status(4,1) = {'sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C'};
[u]mex_status(4,2) = {'kronecker'};[/u]
mex_status(4,3) = {'Sparse kronecker products'};
mex_status(5,1) = {'local_state_space_iteration_2'};
[u]mex_status(5,2) = {'particle/local_state_space_iteration'};[/u]
mex_status(5,3) = {'Local state space iteration (second order)'};
number_of_mex_files = size(mex_status,1);
%% Remove some directories from matlab's path. This is necessary if the user has
%% added dynare_v4/matlab with the subfolders. Matlab has to ignore these
%% subfolders if valid mex files exist.
matlab_path = path;
for i=1:number_of_mex_files
test = strfind(matlab_path,[dynareroot mex_status{i,2}]);
action = length(test);
if action
rmpath([dynareroot mex_status{i,2}]);
matlab_path = path;
Why the cycle is organized only to check highlighted dll files? I mean what if I have other files exist both in dynareroot and as a subfolder in matlab path?
Hope it wouldn't bore for you to answer)
Thanks in advance!