Dear all,
I was trying out one paper "Toward a Taylor Rule for Fiscal Policy", I downloaded the data and code to repeat the exercise using the same version of dynare as reminded by the authors.
However, when I was doing the estimation part, things went smoothly at first, but then errors appeared as:
??? Attempted to access info(2); index out of bounds because numel(info)=1.
Error in ==> DsgeLikelihood at 135
fval = bayestopt_.penalty+info(2);
Error in ==> csminit at 126
f = feval(fcn,dxtest,varargin{:});
Error in ==> csminwel1 at 101
[f1 x1 fc retcode1] = csminit(fcn,x,f,g,badg,H,varargin{:});
Error in ==> dynare_estimation_1 at 204
[fval,xparam1,grad,hessian_csminwel,itct,fcount,retcodehat] = ...
Error in ==> dynare_estimation at 62
Error in ==> model_baseline at 485
Error in ==> dynare at 120
evalin('base',fname) ;
please check the attchment for the data and code. What's the problem? Thanks!