Yes, a bit confusing indeed. So, thanks for your reply.
In the expression Pi_obs = Pi_tilde - Pi_tilde(-1) I meant Pi_obs equal to the observed growth rate of inflation. I noticed, however, that my sample average growth rate of inflation is higher than zero. So, if I understand your advice is to not demean my sample average growth rate of inflation. Additionally, I am not also obliged to change the expression Pi_obs - Pi_obs(-1) = Pi_tilde - Pi_tilde(-1) in order to get a good match between observed and model variables, what it wouldn't be the case if we were working with first differences for a non-stationary variable like y.
I forgot to mention that I am working with a nonlinear model for log-linearization.
I think someone also asked in case of annualized series, how can we convert them into quarterly?
I suggest to use Denton if you have Stata ( &