I beg your pardon.
1. Say you have some non-stationary real data and you do not HP filter it. You run an SVAR in levels and compute IRFs. Say you want to reproduce these IRFs in a DSGE model. You then model technology with a stochastic drift (unit root+long-run trend+exogenous shock).
Should you normalise the nominal variables to able to properly compare the model IRFs (once the model is solved) with the real data ones or not? It appears to me that you should not, because the real data was kept non-stationary; is that not the case?
2. Is it appropriate to run the real data SVAR in levels rather than in log-levels, since one intends to compare it to a DSGE model which is in percentage deviations (as explained)? Papers seem to have done this. What do you think?
Thank you.