jpfeifer wrote:According to Sims/Waggoner/Zha (2008): Methods for inference in large multiple-equation Markov-switching models the dummy observations are part of the prior, not of the likelihood. As such, they should appear in the prior and in the posterior as the posterior is likelihood times prior, where the latter includes the dummy observations.
As far as I understand, we specify dummies in such a way that it doedn't matter where we add dummies (as part of prior or part of likelihood) cause posterior unchanged. But you add them twice - in prior (here: fn_rnrprior_covres_dobs.m) and in likielihood (cause you take variable 'xtx' from output of function fn_dataxy() which calculated using dummies).
And one more question - could you please give me code of function (or whatever it is) 'ms_sbvar_command_line()'? Cause Dynare folder has only mex-files with this name.