I'm running an estimation, and after correcting for some factors that would prevent identification (i.e. increasing the ar component enough that there's at least as many autocorrelations as there are estimated parameters) I am getting unit roots in the persistence parameters of the shock equations. I checked the eigenvalues and there are a couple that are close to unity (~1.12), but there are no infinite variances in the theoretical moments of the model.
What could be causing unit roots* in the estimated parameters (such as rhho_istar, for example) if the model itself is okay, and the data has all been detrended/de-meaned/seasonally adjusted and matches the observation equations in form (i.e. log-deviations from steady-state, where the steady-state is the long-run average of the detrended data)?
*Another strange outcome is that the household habit formation parameter [hh] is usually estimated to be very close to unity, with a divide-by-zero error happening at hh=1. The coincidence of these factors makes me think that either there is something wrong with the model, or the underlying factors within the economy being studied show that the economy is basically characterized by perfect persistence, which is a dubious result.
Files are attached.
(I've updated the standard errors of the shocks in EstimationTest5, just in case that was causing the problem. Testing that .mod file right now).
Thank you for your comments!