by Max Resende » Wed Sep 02, 2015 9:12 pm
I am knew at Dynare and because of that I am having some problems with the forecast optin on estimation.
I'm trying to make a model that tests the forecasting performance of DSGE-VAR model, using Dynare 4.3.2
In order to make it, here's what I need:
1- I have 57 observations, and I'd like to test a 4 periods forecasting performance; (the first column of my excel sheet are the periods and the top row is the title of the colunns, so I have 57 observations on which column)
So with the observation interval [2:54) I'd like to predict the next 4 and compare with the truth value;
How should I write the estimation part? That's what I did:
estimation(datafile=dados2, forecast = 4, nobs = [54:57], plot_priors = 0, first_obs=20,mh_nblocks=2,mh_drop=0.45,mh_jscale=0.3,dsge_var,mode_compute=4,optim=('NumgradAlgorithm',3),mh_replic=2000,bayesian_irf);
I get the following error: Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
So, how can i correct it?
2 - When i write the estimation path without nobs = [54;57}, dynare runs ok. But i can't find the matrix that saves the values of the forecasting process.
Can't find oo_forecast anywhere.
Where can i found this values?
Thank you