1. This is a common problem that e.g. occurs in the context of Gali's textbook. If you do it consistently, you can either drop the constant in the Taylor rule to make it mean 0 as presumably in all other equations or, if the constant should be there, set
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and similarly for other variables with the constant. See also
https://github.com/JohannesPfeifer/DSGE_mod/blob/master/Gali_2008/Gali_2008_chapter_3.mod and in particular the header
2. Dynare's timing convention is to assign the timing when a variable is decided. According to your equation, b_{t+1} is perfectly determined at time t, i.e. it is a predetermined state variable. That means you need to shift it by one period. However, gt is determined at time t as well due to the exogenous shock. You must not shift it. Thus, you should have
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Alternatively, use the timing as in the paper and the
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command (see the manual)