Dear all,
I am currently simulating a deterministic model with capital variable capacity utilization.
By economic theory capacity utilization is suppose to be bounded between 0 and 1; however, in my model simulation it happens that in some periods capacity utilization exceeds 1.
This result looks consistent with the related literature suggesting that the inequality constraint on capacity utilization (e.g to be less or equal than 1) is occasionally binding in this class of models.
I am trying to deal with it employing a min() operator.
In particular, I have replaced everywhere in my model capacity utilization ‘m’ with ‘min(1,m)’ .
All the sanity checks performed by Dynare seem to indicate that such a formulation of the model is fine.
However, when running the simulation under alternative solvers and options (e.g with or without bytecode and block, default cutoff or cutoff=0, increasing maxit ect.), dynare typically crashes.
Interestingly, if I slightly modify the ‘min’ condition into e.g. min(1.008,m), where 1.008 has been chosen so as min function always returns ‘m’ (e.g the constraint never binds), the simulation works and returns me the same results of the unrestricted model.
I am wondering at this point if this is a problem with Dynare rather than with my model.
I attach below the .mod file together with the two matlab solvers called by Dynare for solving for initial and terminal conditions.