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jpfeifer wrote:Run
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and read out the respective contribution of particular shock inand plot it along with the variable itself. Dynare does not do this automatically.
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shock_decomposition LogL, Ql, I, B, C, Y, N;
% function z = shock_decomposition(M_,oo_,options_,varlist)
% Computes shocks contribution to a simulated trajectory. The field set is
% oo_.shock_decomposition. It is a n_var by nshock+2 by nperiods array. The
% first nshock columns store the respective shock contributions, column n+1
% stores the role of the initial conditions, while column n+2 stores the
% value of the smoothed variables. Both the variables and shocks are stored
% in the order of declaration, i.e. M_.endo_names and M_.exo_names, respectively.
jpfeifer wrote:From the function header:% function z = shock_decomposition(M_,oo_,options_,varlist)
% Computes shocks contribution to a simulated trajectory. The field set is
% oo_.shock_decomposition. It is a n_var by nshock+2 by nperiods array. The
% first nshock columns store the respective shock contributions, column n+1
% stores the role of the initial conditions, while column n+2 stores the
% value of the smoothed variables. Both the variables and shocks are stored
% in the order of declaration, i.e. M_.endo_names and M_.exo_names, respectively.
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