Hi Johannes,
I was closely following your guide for Observation equations while estimating my model. Because my model does not consider any specific trend, while taking data to the log-linearized model, I simply used one-sided HP filter to remove trend from Log(variables). Also this makes the series mean zero. Can I use first difference also in this case, if this produce series that have mean approximately zero?
Recently I was criticised for using this HP-filter to de-trend my data that, 'this assumption is non-standard and HP filter may introduce a 'phase shift' in the filtered variables'. I don't really understand what does this 'phase shift' mean. First difference (as in Justiniano et al 2011) or trend technology ( as in Ireland, JMCB 2012) are suggested as alternatives. From Remark 12 in your guide, I understand why we should use one sided-HP filter. I would be happy to hear your insights on this.
Many thanks.