by Ippei » Wed May 18, 2016 11:27 pm
Dear Johannes,
Many thanks for your swift reply.
I would like to compute the unconditional welfare using "ramsey_policy," which is trivial with the previous dynare code by Levin and Lopez-Salido. This is because W(t)=U(t)+beta*W(t+1) must be added in the system of equation. Adding W(t)=U(t)+beta*W(t+1) in "ramsey_policy" causes a problem since this becomes a redundant constraint.
Given the solution of the second order approximation:
where all variables are deviations from the Ramsey steady states,
is the only way to compute the unconditional welfare that
On the other hand, just to make is sure, what oo_.planeer_objective_value (the conditional welfare) with initial values being at the Ramsey steady state reports
Do I understand the procedures in dynare correctly? Also, if there is any easy way to compute the unconditional welfare, I would like to know this.
Sorry for posting a question again after your clear answer.