Dear all,
Consider an unobserved-components model that decomposes a series into cycles and trends. One would like to see its real-time performance compared to the smoothed estimate. The t|t projection can be found in oo_.UpdatedVariables structure, and called by the `smoother' option in estimation. However, I would like to see also the updates in between those two extremes, e.g. how fast the real-time estimate converges to the smoothed one. For that purpose, I'd like to see the `updated' variables after a quarter, year, and so on. It looks like there is no such a built-in feature in Dynare 4.4.3 yet. What would be the easiest way to implement such? I guess, the output should be generated on-demand only, so there should be some option similar to, and ideally, incorporated into filter_step_ahead (but with negative entries).