pburriel wrote:Hi Mateo,
All the estimation results are stored in the structure "oo_". Amongst them you have the posterior mode of parameters "oo_.posterior_mode.parameters" or shocks standard deviation "oo_.posterior_mode.shocks_std". The smoothed shocks are stored under "oo_.SmoothedShocks" and the filtered variables under "oo_.SmoothedVariables"
Hi Pablo. The problem I have with Dynare4 - and I do not have with Dynare 3 - is that if I want to do simulation or variance decomposition or impulse response analysis after estimation I need to enter manually these values in my mod file, because the mod file for Dynare 4 does not seem to accept standard matlab commands (like calling another file containing the estimated parameters in excel, say....)
pburriel wrote:Now let me ask you a question about v4.
I have tried to use the same procedure as in v3 to provide the mode instead of estimating it and something does not work. If I write:
This works in v3, but in v4 I get a message like:
"??? Error using ==> load
Unable to read file MEDEA_linear_est_v4_sinbW/metropolis/MEDEA_linear_est_v4_sinbW_mh_history: No such file or directory."
It seems like it is not enough with the mode but also needs the MH replications history. Do you know why?
Dynare 4 - at least my version - seems to have a problem is loading past mh history if you want to add some new draws to some old ones. Other than that, I have never encountered this error message...