Hi Prof. and to all,
I have seen some codes about the apply of the command shock_decomposition after Bayesian estimation based on MCMC.Although that looks natural,but i prefer to use that in a calibrated model.It seems like that i meet some questions .I think the Instructions for use shock_decomposition in Reference Manual provide less details.There is a sample example.
Thanks a lot for any suggestions I can get !
Incorrect use of dynare_estimation_init (line 72)
VAROBS statement is missing!
Error evaluate_smoother (line 66)
[Dataset_, dataset_info, xparam1, hh, m_,
Options_, oo_, estim_params_, bayestopt_] =
Dynare_estimation_init (var_list, M_.fname, [],
M_, options_, oo_, estim_params_, bayestopt_);
Error shock_decomposition (line 71)
[Oo, junk1, junk2, smoothed_Variables_deviation_from_mean]
Evaluate_smoother (parameter_set, varlist, M_, oo_, options_, bayestopt_, estim_params_);
Error example1 (line 172)
Oo_ =
Shock_decomposition (M_, oo_, options_, var_list_, bayestopt_, estim_params_);
Error dynare (line 223)
Evalin ('base', fname);