Using Dynare to solve a basic New Keynesian sticky-price model, simulations of the 2nd order accurate solution explode after a few iterations. The policy rule is completely standard (Taylor rule with smoothing, weight on output = 0 and weight on inflation =1.5; the problem exists anyway for a variety of parametrizations). Using Dynare ++ I get the following: Order 2,4
Caugth Kord exception: At ./decision_rule.hweb:652:(253):NaN or Inf asserted in
Order 3,5:
SImulation explodes.
The model code has been double checked, and up to first order Dynare computes the same law of motion as when fed with the model log-linearized by hand.
1) could it be that the model is simply globally non-stationary?
2) Yet I am baffled by the fact that when you look at the individual simulated time series, even the series for the exogenous shocks (which are by construction stationary) explode.