Hi, Can you please hlep me ? I am a beginner of Dynare. Now, I am going to replicate one of macroeconomics paper.
Currently, I derived 12 log-linearized FOC equations and 12 variables derived from Dynamic New Keynesian General Euilibrium model. all variables
denotes log deviation; for example, one of 13 variables, x_t = ln [X_t] - ln[ X ], where X is steady state value of X_t.
But, as far as I understand, Dynare seems to deal with not log-linearized model but just linearized model. Thus, I have to specify the steady state
value of X_t, X or some intial values between "initval;" and "end;". But, if so, I am in trouble. I have only log-linearized equations and all coefficients
have already been calibrated. Actually, I am going to find an impulse response function of all 12 variables for a shock. I am stucked. Please, help me.