Error in Estimating the Model

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Error in Estimating the Model

Postby msh855 » Sat Jun 10, 2017 9:21 pm


I have a medium scale NK model.
I have managed to solve it. I have the mod file attached.
But, I am also trying to estimate the model using Bayesian methods. Attached as well
I receive an error all the time, saying not enough parameters and cannot understand what I am missing.

Can someone help me wih the estimation. In particular, with the priors and in finding a steady state.

I am attaching the data I am usig.
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Re: Error in Estimating the Model

Postby jpfeifer » Sun Jun 11, 2017 8:31 am

1. The parameters
std_vt, r_bar, std_at, std_lt, std_it, std_pit, std_nt, std_wt,
R_bar, cy_bar, Iy_bar, gy_bar, Igy_bar, try_bar, wLy_bar, rky_bar, by_bar, tao_cbar, tao_kbar, tao_lbar, std_tc,
std_tl, std_tk, std_tr, std_ig

are not estimated, but also have not been set before estimation. Therefore, they are NaN.
2. I am not sure you are correctly reading in the data. The text-file you use does not work. I am attaching a mat-file that can be read in
3. I am pretty sure your observation equation is not correct. The concept of measured inflation in the data does not map into the model one (gross vs. net, demeaned or not). Please see Pfeifer(2013): "A Guide to Specifying Observation Equations for the Estimation of DSGE Models"
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Johannes Pfeifer
University of Cologne
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