I am writing codes similar to example of manual of dynare 4.5.0:
- Code: Select all
supply = e_a, e_b;
'aggregate demand' = e_c, e_d;
but I get graphs with shocks of varexo and I would hope to get it with my groups. I attach my files.
2. I want to use option scale_file with my file named prometheo_optimal_mh_scale. In order to do this i put:
- Code: Select all
posterior_sampler_options = ('scale_file',prometheo_optimal_mh_scale)
inside estimation command, but I get error message:
- Code: Select all
syntax error, unexpected NAME
3. Also, several varobs have trend with mean cero. My question is if is better use stationary variables?, in my case, my varobs in first difference.
4. I attach an imagen .png of output with error after run my .mod in matlab 2016 and matlab 2017. Could you please tell me what could be my error?