by qianq_1625 » Tue Jun 20, 2017 5:17 pm
Hi Professor,
Thanks a lot! The equation #18 is one of my observation equations. The observation data is one of the great ratios in my data: c(t)/y(t). I'm currently having difficulty to write this equation in linear way.
My plan is:
Since I know both c(t) and y(t) have positive values and positive steady states, I simply take log on the variable.
So ln[c(t)/y(t)]=ln[c(t)]-ln[y(t)]=ln[c(t)/c_bar]-ln[y(t)/y_bar]+ln[c_bar/y_bar].
Eventually, I can have c/y_obs=ln[c(t)/y(t)]=c(t)_hat-y(t)_hat+ln[c_bar/y_bar], where c(t)_hat=ln[c(t)/c_bar] and y(t)_hat=ln[y(t)/y_bar].
In dynare, I have c_y_obs=c-y+ln(c_bar/y_bar) as the new equation #18.
Is this the correct way to write observation equation? Also I concern that if I write this way, the standard deviation would be based on ln[c(t)/y(t)], instead of c(t)/y(t).
I read the your document, but couldn't find appropriate example for this case. Do you mind giving me some suggestions on this case? If I keep this nonlinear equation in my model block, and take the option "linear" off, will dynare log linearize the equation automatically? Thank you very much for your great help!