Dear Prof. Pfeifer,
I am getting some error messages when I run my code related to 'error using erf'. Please find attached my file. The run.m file is the relevant file to run. If you please run this, you will see the error messages. Although the error message highlights the line of code generating the problem, it is not clear to me exactly what term in the equation is responsible.
I would also like to mention that the run.m file can generate output for two types of economies. I am only having problem with one of these economies which the file is currently set to.
Line 29 in the run.m file in where you set the type of economy you want results for. At present, line 29 of the run.m has the following code: pmrI = 1; fcI = 1; ubI = 1;. This is the economy for which I am getting the error messages. To set it to the other economy would be to set these variables to zero, i.e. pmrI = 0; fcI = 0; ubI = 0;
If you do this and run the file, there is no error. I would appreciate it if you could explain to me why the first generates a problem but not the second and whether there is anything I can do about it.
Many thanks.