Dear Johannes,
Thank you for your prompt answer and apologies for being vague on my side.
Yes, the environment is a DSGE model. Let me be more clear: Take for example the baseline RBC model (code on your website): ... seline.modIn this model, there are two shocks: a shocks to TFP and a government spending shock.
What I would like to do is to augment the TFP with a time-varying volatility shock. Then, I can parameterize the shock such that I get regime 1) high time-varying volatility, regime 2) low time-varying volatility. Then, I would like to see how model variables, in particular output, would respond differently to
government expenditure shocks in times of high and low volatility.
Would that be feasible? My concern is that it may not be because, according to my understanding, when there are two shocks and we study the responses of variables to the shocks, we get first the responses of variables to one shock while the other one is muted and then the other way around. Am I right?
Would there be any other way to study in this kind of DSGE setup the response of model variables to government spending shocks in times of high versus low output volatility?
Hope this is clear; if not please let me know. I would very much appreciate your help. Thank you.