deal all
I encountered the followong problem when I estimated the mode, the value of s.d. and t-stat are Inf and zero respectively, why? Can anyone help me on that? I attached my mod file. Thanks ! the version of dynare is 4.0.4, matlab is 7.4.0 (R2007a).
Objective function at mode: -482.688696
Estimate s.d. t-stat
gam 0.0961 Inf 0.0000
alpha 0.6182 Inf 0.0000
rho_pi -0.1339 Inf 0.0000
rho_y 0.1744 Inf 0.0000
rho_mu 1.3219 Inf 0.0000
chi 1.3559 Inf 0.0000
phi 0.9985 Inf 0.0000
nu 0.9000 Inf 0.0000
rho_a 0.2578 Inf 0.0000
rho_e 0.6853 Inf 0.0000
rho_x 0.3786 Inf 0.0000
rho_b -0.2002 Inf 0.0000
standard deviation of shocks
Estimate s.d. t-stat
e_r 0.0110 Inf 0.0000
u_x 0.0874 Inf 0.0000
u_a -0.0833 Inf 0.0000
u_e 0.1655 Inf 0.0000
u_b 0.0655 Inf 0.0000
Total computing time : 0h03m59s