Thank you very much for your quick reply.
I have a second remark though.
In terms of the forecasting ability among BVARS with different lags, my intuition tells me that the farthest you go in the forecast horizon, the largest the RMSE you get (as in any model).
In the example you provided «bvar_and_dsge.mod», I tried different horizons and I allways get the same RMSE figures, i.e. in line 30:
- Code: Select all
bvar_forecast(forecast = 8, bvar_replic = 2000, nobs = 200) 8;
by changing forecast = 8 by 2, 4, 6, etc.
The problem seems to be in "bvar_forecast.m" line 139 :
- Code: Select all
y = X * posterior.PhiHat
which yields values incredibly small, which powered to the squared exarcerbate the problem (line 142).
As a result, RMSEs reported are almost identical, so it is hardly impossible to tell which model is better.
Any suggestion on this is highly appreciated.
Best, Jorge