by dean0504 » Fri May 28, 2010 2:18 am
Thank you for your advise.I defined all the parameters before the "model" command,and then the model can be solved.But after solving the model,dynare told me
"You did not declare endogenous variables after the estimation command.
Posterior IRFs will be computed for the 28 endogenous variables
of your model, this can be very long....
Choose one of the following options:
[1] Consider all the endogenous variables.
[2] Consider all the observed endogenous variables.
[3] Stop Dynare and change the mod file."
Whatever I choose,dynare show me the prior distributions ,and then warn that
??? Error: This statement is incomplete.
Error in ==> read_variables at 42
Error in ==> dynare_estimation_1 at 237
rawdata = read_variables(options_.datafile,options_.varobs,[],options_.xls_sheet,options_.xls_range);
Error in ==> dynare_estimation at 62
Error in ==> bbgg at 322
Error in ==> dynare at 102
evalin('base',fname) ;
So what does this mean?The code I have modified and attached here.
- Attachments
- the code
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