by Shadi » Sun Sep 27, 2015 3:15 pm
They mentioned that in section 5.2.1: Response to a monetary policy shock:
" In each picture the hatched line designates the "baseline" impulse response, generated by fixing the external finance premium at its steady state
level instead of allowing it to respond to changes in the capital-net worth ratio. In other words, the baseline simulations are based on a model with the same steady state as the complete model with imperfect credit markets, but in which the additional dynamics associated with the financial accelerator have been "turned off". "
In the model that I am working with, the equivalent of the financial accelerator is turned off by setting one particular parameter to zero(mu=0). Therefore, I am looking for ways to let dynare computes IRFs with mu=0 while keeping the steady state unchanged from the case where mu>0.