by tobinsq » Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:27 pm
What I wonder, in particular, is the following: I simulate the economy for 2500 periods (with order=2), obtain the simulated series. Then I manually HPfilter it (using an hpfilter.m file, with lambda=1600), and compute the standard deviation of the cyclical series. This number, though, is way different than the theoretical standard deviation (for GDP, for instance, I got 1.15, whereas the theoretical stdev says 0.03). The magnitude of shocks are of reasonable magnitude (seems to be properly calibrated, they are more or less inline with the literature), and I dont think that I can calibrate the standard deviation of innovations to the exogenous processes by merely using the theoretical stdev of GDP. Sure, I am missing something at this stage, but couldnot figure that out.
Are the theoretical second-moment statistics based on first-order approximation (I guess that had been the case back in 2003-2004 as far as I have seen on the Internet).
What is the default for the HP-filter parameter if one asks Dynare to give out theoretical moments?
Can you please provide some insights on these?
Thanks again,