I have a model which can be solved using the stoch_simul command.
But when I try to estimate it there seem to be problems related to matrix dimension and I get the following error message.
??? Error using ==> mtimes
Inner matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in ==> metropolis_hastings_initialization at 94
candidate = rand_multivariate_normal( transpose(xparam1), d * options_.mh_init_scale, npar);
Error in ==> random_walk_metropolis_hastings at 58
[ ix2, ilogpo2, ModelName, MhDirectoryName, fblck, fline, npar, nblck, nruns, NewFile, MAX_nruns, d ] = ...
Error in ==> dynare_estimation_1 at 1106
Error in ==> dynare_estimation at 62
Error in ==> korea at 273
And before this, I received such message
MH: Multiple chains mode.
MH: Searching for initial values...
MH: I couldn't get a valid initial value in 100 trials.
MH: You should Reduce mh_init_scale...
MH: Parameter mh_init_scale is equal to 0.400000.
MH: Enter a new value...
What's the problem?
I attached the mod file and data.