by bruzzle » Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:52 pm
Hi jpfeifer,
Thanks a lot for the reply.
I understand that impulse responses are solutions to the model and they are not simulated. So the functions themselves should be same. But the magnitudes of the deviations from the steady state are calculated according to a, say, one standard deviation shock. The shock itself should be random, thus it must be generated with some random number generator. Thus even though I have the same impulse response functions, I should have different magnitudes of deviations from the steady state for a given random shock with the specified standard deviation. This is why I thought there must be a seed for these shocks to make sure that deviations from the steady state are always the same for the sake of replicability.
Since there is nothing to simulate, set_dynare_seed is not working for this case, but I can't find where the shocks for IRFs are generated either.
Please let me know if there is knot in my thinking,
Thank you