Dear all,
I'm currently learning how to use Dynare, and I tried to build and run a very simple model (simpliefied version of Kim, 2000). I log-linearized the model by hands and I run it in dynare (with the linear command), obatining very good results, IRF, etc. However, I wanted then to put directly the non-linearized version of the model in dynare, and I got very strange results, in terms of IRF. For example:
1. Capital starts growing at time t and not t+1, and its response is too high.
2. Output responds positively to a contractionary monetary shock.
As a results all the other variables (y, c,...) react quite differently with respect to the log-linearized model. I check the equations many times, especially the timing of capital, but I cannot find any typos. I attach the mod file. Could you please help me? Thanks a lot!