I have a few questions regarding the steady state file.
So, I have a loglinearized model with steady state expressions obviously entering the linearized equations. I have written a script using fsolve to find the steady state variables in my system, which I then manually input into my dynare file. I have a bunch of robustness checks that I have to implement and I want to automate this process by writing a steady state file. I am slightly confused however how this is supposed to work. I saw the nk_model example in the dynare folder, but I am still not clear on how I should implement this. I essentially only changed the model specific part of that file, however I think I am not completely understanding how this file is supposed to work.
What I want to do is simple. I have to pin down 7 variables from a system of 7 equations. Right now, I have a separate script that does this, but I want to automate that by creating a steady state file that dynare can read. Is there a sample code that does this (even simpler than the NK_model steady state example.) For some reason, I cannot replicate that code using my model specifics.
Thank you