Moments calc by different methods do not match?

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Moments calc by different methods do not match?

Postby dynare_usr » Fri Apr 07, 2017 5:32 am


I am running Dynare 4.4.3 stoch_simul with option periods.
Then I compare correlation between two variables calculated with data in oo_.var
and compare the corr coef with that calculated with oo_.endo_simul.

For example:
Code: Select all
oo_.var(2,1)/(sqrt(oo_.var(2,2)) * sqrt(oo_.var(1,1)))

Code: Select all

Since I am using periods option, both oo_.var & oo_.endo_simul contain simulated data but I obtain significantly different results (for some series the difference is about 0.2).

Am I missing anything?
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Re: Moments calc by different methods do not match?

Postby jpfeifer » Fri Apr 07, 2017 8:37 am

Please provide the full codes.
Johannes Pfeifer
University of Cologne
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Re: Moments calc by different methods do not match?

Postby dynare_usr » Fri Apr 07, 2017 5:06 pm

I think I figured out what went wrong.

I used stoch_simul with option periods AND option hp_filter.
oo_.var saves filtered statistics, while
oo_.endo_simul saves simulated series before the HP filter.

Can you confirm, please?

A corollary question, after I run
Code: Select all
stoch_simul(hp_filter = 100, order = 1, irf = 1000, periods=10000)

the moments I obtain via
Code: Select all
are the same regardless of the number of periods, whereas the moments obtained via
Code: Select all
vary with the number of periods. I tried from the range from 100 to 10^4. The difference can be as high as 0.04

Does it mean that oo_.var gives theoretical moments? I thought the manual says to the contrary:
oo_.var Contains theoretical variance if the periods option is not present (or an approximation thereof for
order=2), and empirical variance otherwise.
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Re: Moments calc by different methods do not match?

Postby jpfeifer » Sun Apr 09, 2017 10:59 am

1. Yes, if you specify a filter, the moments will be filtered, while the simulated series will be unfiltered
2. No, this should not be the case. Please provide the file to replicate the issue.
Johannes Pfeifer
University of Cologne
Posts: 6940
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Location: Cologne, Germany

Re: Moments calc by different methods do not match?

Postby dynare_usr » Wed Apr 12, 2017 5:10 am

I attached the files with minimal working examples
Code: Select all
stoch_simul(order=1, periods=1000);

Code: Select all
stoch_simul(order=1, periods=1000, hp_filter=100);

In this version, the difference between the correlations of C & Y are around 0.006 but it decreases with the length of the simulated series.

Also, for the HP-filtered version, I was wondering how Dynare filters the simulated series (with hp_filter option) so fast. If I conduct HP filtering of endo_simul by hand with periods=10000, it takes my computer to filter the series and to calculate the moments significantly longer than if I use Dynare's hp_filter option.
With periods = 100000, my PC runs into the curse of dimensionality.
I attached the HP filter code I use as well.

HP filter
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Re: Moments calc by different methods do not match?

Postby jpfeifer » Wed Apr 12, 2017 8:51 am

When switching from 10000 to 1000 periods,
Code: Select all

goes from
Code: Select all
ans =

   0.000326615664192   0.000035416548315   0.000224502764851   0.000139894628857   0.000075319264576   0.000071830808337
   0.000035416548315   0.000021236903551   0.000049779041118   0.000027336117315   0.000001851174164  -0.000020538216304
   0.000224502764851   0.000049779041118   0.001170764900180   0.000081945259818   0.000042536905984   0.000075228986918
   0.000139894628857   0.000027336117315   0.000081945259818   0.000069473878539   0.000027843140250   0.000008756607555
   0.000075319264576   0.000001851174164   0.000042536905984   0.000027843140250   0.000019662155193   0.000026849167137
   0.000071830808337  -0.000020538216304   0.000075228986918   0.000008756607555   0.000026849167137   0.000066544587358

Code: Select all
ans =

   0.000334544718752   0.000039518537012   0.000239060495493   0.000145415558713   0.000075970615395   0.000068595256611
   0.000039518537012   0.000021475606432   0.000061794114533   0.000028638576743   0.000002871940263  -0.000018648095685
   0.000239060495493   0.000061794114533   0.001217896764845   0.000094765000760   0.000042104863384   0.000062938707817
   0.000145415558713   0.000028638576743   0.000094765000760   0.000072069499163   0.000028860770924   0.000009374071833
   0.000075970615395   0.000002871940263   0.000042104863384   0.000028860770924   0.000019467398574   0.000025289415214
   0.000068595256611  -0.000018648095685   0.000062938707817   0.000009374071833   0.000025289415214   0.000061267383943

showing that the simulation correctly works.

Regarding your second question: you are using the most inefficient version of the HP-filter you can program. It does not make use of the sparsity of HP-filter matrix and uses an explicit inverse. You might want to use Dynare's
Code: Select all
Johannes Pfeifer
University of Cologne
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Re: Moments calc by different methods do not match?

Postby dynare_usr » Wed Apr 12, 2017 10:33 pm

Thank your for pointing my attention to sample_hp_filter.m, Johannes.

Per oo_.var. Please correct me if I am wrong but I think the comparison of oo_.var from simulations with different # of periods shows that empirical moments vary with the length of the series. Which is fine.

However, I am trying to understand why, given a certain number of periods, the values correlations calculated from oo_.var and oo_.endo_simul do not coincide.
for example, after
Code: Select all
stoch_simul(order=1, periods=1000);

I obtain the following correlations between the first two variables:
Code: Select all
OOVar =
CorrCoef =
    1.0000    0.8847
    0.8847    1.0000
difference between oo_.var & oo_.endo_simul:
ans =
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Re: Moments calc by different methods do not match?

Postby jpfeifer » Fri Apr 14, 2017 9:58 am

That's because Dynare drops
Code: Select all

periods of burnin when computing the moments
Johannes Pfeifer
University of Cologne
Posts: 6940
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Location: Cologne, Germany

Re: Moments calc by different methods do not match?

Postby dynare_usr » Mon Apr 17, 2017 6:52 pm

Great, thanks.
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