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4.20 Sensitivity and identification analysis

Dynare provides an interface to the global sensitivity analysis (GSA) toolbox (developed by the Joint Research Center (JRC) of the European Commission), which is now part of the official Dynare distribution. The GSA toolbox can be used to answer the following questions:

  1. What is the domain of structural coefficients assuring the stability and determinacy of a DSGE model?
  2. Which parameters mostly drive the fit of, e.g., GDP and which the fit of inflation? Is there any conflict between the optimal fit of one observed series versus another?
  3. How to represent in a direct, albeit approximated, form the relationship between structural parameters and the reduced form of a rational expectations model?

The discussion of the methodologies and their application is described in Ratto (2008).

With respect to the previous version of the toolbox, in order to work properly, the GSA toolbox no longer requires that the Dynare estimation environment is set up.

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4.20.1 Performing sensitivity analysis

Command: dynare_sensitivity ;
Command: dynare_sensitivity (OPTIONS…);


This command triggers sensitivity analysis on a DSGE model.

Options Sampling Options


Size of the Monte-Carlo sample. Default: 2048

ilptau = INTEGER

If equal to 1, use $LP_\tau$ quasi-Monte-Carlo. If equal to 0, use LHS Monte-Carlo. Default: 1

pprior = INTEGER

If equal to 1, sample from the prior distributions. If equal to 0, sample from the multivariate normal $N(\bar{\theta},\Sigma)$, where $\bar{\theta}$ is the posterior mode and $\Sigma=H^{-1}$, $H$ is the Hessian at the mode. Default: 1

prior_range = INTEGER

If equal to 1, sample uniformly from prior ranges. If equal to 0, sample from prior distributions. Default: 1

morris = INTEGER

If equal to 0, ANOVA mapping (Type I error) If equal to 1, Screening analysis (Type II error) If equal to 2, Analytic derivatives (similar to Type II error, only valid when identification=1).Default: 1 when identification=1, 0 otherwise

morris_nliv = INTEGER

Number of levels in Morris design. Default: 6

morris_ntra = INTEGER

Number trajectories in Morris design. Default: 20

ppost = INTEGER

If equal to 1, use Metropolis posterior sample. If equal to 0, do not use Metropolis posterior sample. NB: This overrides any other sampling option. Default: 0

neighborhood_width = DOUBLE

When pprior=0 and ppost=0, allows for the sampling of parameters around the value specified in the mode_file, in the range xparam1 $\pm\left\vert@code{xparam1}\times@code{neighborhood_width}\right\vert$. Default: 0

Stability Mapping Options

stab = INTEGER

If equal to 1, perform stability mapping. If equal to 0, do not perform stability mapping. Default: 1

load_stab = INTEGER

If equal to 1, load a previously created sample. If equal to 0, generate a new sample. Default: 0

alpha2_stab = DOUBLE

Critical value for correlations $\rho$ in filtered samples: plot couples of parmaters with $\left\vert\rho\right\vert>$ alpha2_stab. Default: 0

pvalue_ks = DOUBLE

The threshold $pvalue$ for significant Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (i.e. plot parameters with $pvalue<$ pvalue_ks). Default: 0.001

pvalue_corr = DOUBLE

The threshold $pvalue$ for significant correlation in filtered samples (i.e. plot bivariate samples when $pvalue<$ pvalue_corr). Default: 1e-5

Reduced Form Mapping Options

redform = INTEGER

If equal to 1, prepare Monte-Carlo sample of reduced form matrices. If equal to 0, do not prepare Monte-Carlo sample of reduced form matrices. Default: 0

load_redform = INTEGER

If equal to 1, load previously estimated mapping. If equal to 0, estimate the mapping of the reduced form model. Default: 0

logtrans_redform = INTEGER

If equal to 1, use log-transformed entries. If equal to 0, use raw entries. Default: 0

threshold_redform = [DOUBLE DOUBLE]

The range over which the filtered Monte-Carlo entries of the reduced form coefficients should be analyzed. The first number is the lower bound and the second is the upper bound. An empty vector indicates that these entries will not be filtered. Default: empty

ksstat_redform = DOUBLE

Critical value for Smirnov statistics $d$ when reduced form entries are filtered. Default: 0.001

alpha2_redform = DOUBLE

Critical value for correlations $\rho$ when reduced form entries are filtered. Default: 1e-5

namendo = (VARIABLE_NAME…)

List of endogenous variables. ‘:’ indicates all endogenous variables. Default: empty

namlagendo = (VARIABLE_NAME…)

List of lagged endogenous variables. ‘:’ indicates all lagged endogenous variables. Analyze entries [namendo$\times$namlagendo] Default: empty

namexo = (VARIABLE_NAME…)

List of exogenous variables. ‘:’ indicates all exogenous variables. Analyze entries [namendo$\times$namexo]. Default: empty

RMSE Options

rmse = INTEGER

If equal to 1, perform RMSE analysis. If equal to 0, do not perform RMSE analysis. Default: 0

load_rmse = INTEGER

If equal to 1, load previous RMSE analysis. If equal to 0, make a new RMSE analysis. Default: 0

lik_only = INTEGER

If equal to 1, compute only likelihood and posterior. If equal to 0, compute RMSE’s for all observed series. Default: 0

var_rmse = (VARIABLE_NAME…)

List of observed series to be considered. ‘:’ indicates all observed variables. Default: varobs

pfilt_rmse = DOUBLE

Filtering threshold for RMSE’s. Default: 0.1

istart_rmse = INTEGER

Value at which to start computing RMSE’s (use 2 to avoid big intitial error). Default: presample+1

alpha_rmse = DOUBLE

Critical value for Smirnov statistics $d$: plot parameters with $d>$ alpha_rmse. Default: 0.001

alpha2_rmse = DOUBLE

Critical value for correlation $\rho$: plot couples of parmaters with $\left\vert\rho\right\vert=$ alpha2_rmse. Default: 1e-5

datafile = FILENAME

See datafile.

nobs = INTEGER

See nobs.

first_obs = INTEGER

See first_obs.

prefilter = INTEGER

See prefilter.

presample = INTEGER

See presample.


See nograph.


See nodisplay.

graph_format = FORMAT
graph_format = ( FORMAT, FORMAT… )

See graph_format.

conf_sig = DOUBLE

See conf_sig.


See loglinear.

mode_file = FILENAME

See mode_file.

kalman_algo = INTEGER

See kalman_algo.

Identification Analysis Options

identification = INTEGER

If equal to 1, performs identification anlysis (forcing redform=0 and morris=1) If equal to 0, no identification analysis. Default: 0

morris = INTEGER

See morris.

morris_nliv = INTEGER

See morris_nliv.

morris_ntra = INTEGER

See morris_ntra.

load_ident_files = INTEGER

Loads previously performed identification analysis. Default: 0

useautocorr = INTEGER

Use autocorrelation matrices in place of autocovariance matrices in moments for identification analysis. Default: 0


Maximum number of lags for moments in identification analysis. Default: 1

diffuse_filter = INTEGER

See diffuse_filter.

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4.20.2 IRF/Moment calibration

The irf_calibration and moment_calibration blocks allow imposing implicit “endogenous” priors about IRFs and moments on the model. The way it works internally is that any parameter draw that is inconsistent with the “calibration” provided in these blocks is discarded, i.e. assigned a prior density of $0$. In the context of dynare_sensitivity, these restrictions allow tracing out which parameters are driving the model to satisfy or violate the given restrictions.

IRF and moment calibration can be defined in irf_calibration and moment_calibration blocks:

Block: irf_calibration ;
Block: irf_calibration (OPTIONS…);


This block allows defining IRF calibration criteria and is terminated by end;. To set IRF sign restrictions, the following syntax is used


To set IRF restrictions with specific intervals, the following syntax is used


When (INTEGER:INTEGER) is used, the restriction is considered to be fulfilled by a logical OR. A list of restrictions must always be fulfilled with logical AND.



See relative_irf.


y(1:4), e_ys, [ -50 50]; //[first year response with logical OR]
@#for ilag in 21:40
R_obs(@{ilag}), e_ys, [0 6]; //[response from 5th to 10th years with logical AND]
Block: moment_calibration ;
Block: moment_calibration (OPTIONS…);


This block allows defining moment calibration criteria. This block is terminated by end;, and contains lines of the form:


When (INTEGER:INTEGER) is used, the restriction is considered to be fulfilled by a logical OR. A list of restrictions must always be fulfilled with logical AND.


y_obs,y_obs, [0.5 1.5]; //[unconditional variance]
y_obs,y_obs(-(1:4)), +; //[sign restriction for first year acf with logical OR]
@#for ilag in -2:2
y_obs,R_obs(@{ilag}), -; //[-2:2 ccf with logical AND]
@#for ilag in -4:4
y_obs,pie_obs(@{ilag}), -; //[-4_4 ccf with logical AND]

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4.20.3 Performing identification analysis

Command: identification ;
Command: identification (OPTIONS…);


This command triggers identification analysis.



Number of lags of computed autocorrelations (theoretical moments). Default: 1

useautocorr = INTEGER

If equal to 1, compute derivatives of autocorrelation. If equal to 0, compute derivatives of autocovariances. Default: 0

load_ident_files = INTEGER

If equal to 1, allow Dynare to load previously computed analyzes. Default: 0

prior_mc = INTEGER

Size of Monte-Carlo sample. Default: 1

prior_range = INTEGER

Triggers uniform sample within the range implied by the prior specifications (when prior_mc>1). Default: 0

advanced = INTEGER

Shows a more detailed analysis, comprised of an analysis for the linearized rational expectation model as well as the associated reduced form solution. Further performs a brute force search of the groups of parameters best reproducing the behavior of each single parameter. The maximum dimension of the group searched is triggered by max_dim_cova_group. Default: 0

max_dim_cova_group = INTEGER

In the brute force search (performed when advanced=1) this option sets the maximum dimension of groups of parameters that best reproduce the behavior of each single model parameter. Default: 2

periods = INTEGER

When the analytic Hessian is not available (i.e. with missing values or diffuse Kalman filter or univariate Kalman filter), this triggers the length of stochastic simulation to compute Simulated Moments Uncertainty. Default: 300

replic = INTEGER

When the analytic Hessian is not available, this triggers the number of replicas to compute Simulated Moments Uncertainty. Default: 100

gsa_sample_file = INTEGER

If equal to 0, do not use sample file. If equal to 1, triggers gsa prior sample. If equal to 2, triggers gsa Monte-Carlo sample (i.e. loads a sample corresponding to pprior=0 and ppost=0 in the dynare_sensitivity options). Default: 0

gsa_sample_file = FILENAME

Uses the provided path to a specific user defined sample file. Default: 0

parameter_set = calibration | prior_mode | prior_mean | posterior_mode | posterior_mean | posterior_median

Specify the parameter set to use. Default: prior_mean

lik_init = INTEGER

See lik_init.

kalman_algo = INTEGER

See kalman_algo.


See nograph.


See nodisplay.

graph_format = FORMAT
graph_format = ( FORMAT, FORMAT… )

See graph_format.

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4.20.4 Types of analysis and output files

The sensitivity analysis toolbox includes several types of analyses. Sensitivity analysis results are saved locally in <mod_file>/gsa, where <mod_file>.mod is the name of the DYNARE model file.

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The following binary files are produced:

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Figure files produced are of the form <mod_file>_prior_*.fig and store results for stability mapping from prior Monte-Carlo samples:

Similar conventions apply for <mod_file>_mc_*.fig files, obtained when samples from multivariate normal are used.

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The following binary files are produced:

Figure files produced are of the form <mod_file>_prior_irf_calib_*.fig and <mod_file>_prior_moment_calib_*.fig and store results for mapping restrictions from prior Monte-Carlo samples:

Similar conventions apply for <mod_file>_mc_*.fig and <mod_file>_post_*.fig files, obtained when samples from multivariate normal or from posterior are used.

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When the option threshold_redform is not set, or it is empty (the default), this analysis estimates a multivariate smoothing spline ANOVA model (the ’mapping’) for the selected entries in the transition matrix of the shock matrix of the reduce form first order solution of the model. This mapping is done either with prior samples or with MC samples with neighborhood_width. Unless neighborhood_width is set with MC samples, the mapping of the reduced form solution forces the use of samples from prior ranges or prior distributions, i.e.: pprior=1 and ppost=0. It uses 250 samples to optimize smoothing parameters and 1000 samples to compute the fit. The rest of the sample is used for out-of-sample validation. One can also load a previously estimated mapping with a new Monte-Carlo sample, to look at the forecast for the new Monte-Carlo sample.

The following synthetic figures are produced:

Detailed results of the analyses are shown in the subfolder <mod_file>/gsa/redform_prior for prior samples and in <mod_file>/gsa/redform_mc for MC samples with option neighborhood_width, where the detailed results of the estimation of the single functional relationships between parameters $\theta$ and reduced form coefficient (denoted as $y$ hereafter) are stored in separate directories named as:

The following files are stored in each directory (we stick with prior sample but similar convetins are used for MC samples):

When option logtrans_redform is set, the ANOVA estimation is performed using a log-transformation of each y. The ANOVA mapping is then transformed back onto the original scale, to allow comparability with the baseline estimation. Graphs for this log-transformed case, are stored in the same folder in files denoted with the _log suffix.

When the option threshold_redform is set, the analysis is performed via Monte Carlo filtering, by displaying parameters that drive the individual entry y inside the range specified in threshold_redform. If no entry is found (or all entries are in the range), the MCF algorithm ignores the range specified in threshold_redform and performs the analysis splitting the MC sample of y into deciles. Setting threshold_redform=[-inf inf] triggers this approach for all y’s.

Results are stored in subdirectories of <mod_file>/gsa/redform_prior named

The files saved are named

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The RMSE analysis can be performed with different types of sampling options:

  1. When pprior=1 and ppost=0, the toolbox analyzes the RMSEs for the Monte-Carlo sample obtained by sampling parameters from their prior distributions (or prior ranges): this analysis provides some hints about what parameter drives the fit of which observed series, prior to the full estimation;
  2. When pprior=0 and ppost=0, the toolbox analyzes the RMSEs for a multivariate normal Monte-Carlo sample, with covariance matrix based on the inverse Hessian at the optimum: this analysis is useful when maximum likelihood estimation is done (i.e. no Bayesian estimation);
  3. When ppost=1 the toolbox analyzes the RMSEs for the posterior sample obtained by Dynare’s Metropolis procedure.

The use of cases 2 and 3 requires an estimation step beforehand. To facilitate the sensitivity analysis after estimation, the dynare_sensitivity command also allows you to indicate some options of the estimation command. These are:

Binary files produced my RMSE analysis are:

Figure files <mod_file>_rmse_*.fig store results for the RMSE analysis.

The following types of figures are saved (we show prior sample to fix ideas, but the same conventions are used for multivariate normal and posterior):

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Screening analysis does not require any additional options with respect to those listed in Sampling Options. The toolbox performs all the analyses required and displays results.

The results of the screening analysis with Morris sampling design are stored in the subfolder <mod_file>/gsa/screen. The data file <mod_file>_prior stores all the information of the analysis (Morris sample, reduced form coefficients, etc.).

Screening analysis merely concerns reduced form coefficients. Similar synthetic bar charts as for the reduced form analysis with Monte-Carlo samples are saved:

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Setting the option identification=1, an identification analysis based on theoretical moments is performed. Sensitivity plots are provided that allow to infer which parameters are most likely to be less identifiable.

Prerequisite for properly running all the identification routines, is the keyword identification; in the Dynare model file. This keyword triggers the computation of analytic derivatives of the model with respect to estimated parameters and shocks. This is required for option morris=2, which implements Iskrev (2010) identification analysis.

For example, the placing identification; dynare_sensitivity(identification=1, morris=2); in the Dynare model file trigger identification analysis using analytic derivatives Iskrev (2010), jointly with the mapping of the acceptable region.

The identification analysis with derivatives can also be triggered by the commands identification; This does not do the mapping of acceptable regions for the model and uses the standard random sampler of Dynare. It completely offsets any use of the sensitivity analysis toolbox.

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